Linggo, Agosto 30, 2015

Museum of National History

a collection pearly shells !

some of the politicians preserved! este! salamander! :D :D

ninja turtles! jooke!! green sea turtles! 

pato! quack! quack! quack!

unborn cow and monkey! medyo kadiri! :/

  • Date Arrived: 24 0700H August 2015
  • Date Departed: 24 1700H August 2015

  • Location: Jose R Velasco Ave, Los Baños 4031,Laguna

  • Observations: UP Los Baños is public university located in Laguna, with its large covered area, it is said that, other two UP campuses (Diliman and Baguio) can fit in the University and can still have some places for other school to be placed. With thousands of students enrolling in the said university every year it is also said that, it is one of the best school that manages to produce a great number of leaders and professionals for our countries.

  • Activities: This is our last destination, Museum of Natural History, where in we saw several preserved species and understand their functions in the environment. To include, the monthly developmental stage of a human embryo, where it shows how human develops and earned its right to live.

  • Environmental Issues: The one that catches my attention here is the preserved animals and some of the fetus in the jar, and the unborn babies of some animals. Though they have explained how this preservation helps them, helps each one of us to have better understanding in the nature of each living things, it is somewhat, for me, contradicts on what the bible had told us, that man has given the sole authority to govern all of God's creation, and to properly manage it and handle it. But, for the sake of science and some other studies, it is done and now we have the knowledge on what life is on the other organisms.

  • Problems: As we have conducted our tour in the area, problems that came to my attention most especially is the environment problems. This is a major concern for us to all, for if this small protected area, (take note: "PROTECTED AREA") are vulnerable to pollution and human intervention, what more to those that are not declared as protected area? Surely, those areas feels great harm and alteration. So this is an open call to us all that our environments needs special attention and requires special protection. This will not require most of our time, a simple care for the environment will do a lot, and if all of us do this simple care, we can't tell. Nature has its own way of giving back its gratitude, and if we are to take for granted this simple care to our environment, nature also has its own way of giving back its anger. And we know that it is chaotic.

  • Personal Impressions: UPLB tour is a great one. We are given the chance to gain more knowledge and share our ideas to its students. Given again the chance to return and visit their different features, I will immediately raise my hand, my two hands (include my feet) and wave like there's no tomorrow, if that's the only way I can be chosen. For the place, most especially the Botanical gardens, is definitely a promising place. :)

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